Damn it why does that stupid slender face scare me?
I never played the game, but I did see quite a few video's and read a few stories on it, so I have a pretty good idea on what it's like. And may I say, I enjoyed it. I always pondered what Slederman did after he took you, and I like the gory humored approach you took to that. I laughed when he tried to eat a sandwhich. Though It's a little odd that he has no mouth to eat, but a mouth to say 'FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU' But hey, all in good humor I suppose, and I'm just being all nit picky.
The animation was nice, very fluent, natural, and clean. It was short but in most cases short is good. You don't wear it out and sometimes with short video's like these, you can watch them over and over and not get tired of it. The humor was well played, so you get my 5 stars and a yummy bannana for a job well done!